martes, 27 de octubre de 2020


Every end of summer they appear. Suddenly. A purple tongue emerges from the grass. After it comes a long, matte purple stem. The tongue opens and releases the flowers. A dozen in bouquet. The color is pale pink. They take two weeks to wither. During the brief floral opening, bees and wasps come to lick the interior. Those pistils connect to the inside of the base. The flowers are blown away by the wind and the base remains, the tip of the stem, which grows fatter and finally, by pressure, cracks the skin and releases the pearls.


Cada final de verano aparecen. Súbitamente. Una lengua morada emerge entre la hierba. Tras ella viene un tallo largo, mate púrpura. La lengua se abre y libera las flores. Una decena en ramo. El color es rosa pálido. Tardan dos semanas en marchitar. Durante la breve apertura floral, vienen las abejas y las avispas a lamer el interior. Esos pistilos conectan con el interior de la base. Las flores se las lleva el viento y queda la base, punta del tallo, que va engordando y finalmente por la presión raja la piel y libera las perlas.





Liminality (from the Latin limes "limit" or "border") is when you are neither in one place (which can be physical or mental), nor in another. It is being on a threshold, between one thing that is gone and another that is yet to come. Illness, adolescence, sleeplessness or transitory insanity are liminal states, as are travel, whether for pleasure or necessity. There can also be liminal places, like an airport or a jail, and they can be personal or group events. The concept of liminality is a notion developed in the book "Rites of Passage", by Arnold Van Gennep, 1 taken later by Victor Turner, 2 and refers to the state of openness and ambiguity that characterizes the intermediate phase of a time- tripartite space (a preliminary or previous phase, an intermediate or liminal phase, and another postliminal or later phase). Liminality is directly related to communitas since it is an anti-structure and anti-hierarchy manifestation of society, that is, a situation where a generic communion between social subjects would go beyond the specificities of a stratification . It is, therefore, the moment where trivial distinctions are suspended.

lunes, 26 de octubre de 2020