jueves, 21 de noviembre de 2019

BY THE RIVER_______________________________________CORRENS___________________________________________PROVENCE____________________________JUNE 2019

Im back in Provence after some years. I meet the international art family in Correns, a small and wonderfull village. We spend time together, talking on art and politics, having lunch and dinner in the castle. Food is fresh and delicious. Many green salads and soups. Niké has placed us in the homes of her friends. I live with Nadia, and we laugh a lot having long breakfasts in her living room. Artists spend some hours a day painting, some inside and other open air. One painting for the final show is good. I walk around and talk to everyone as art. I record a bit and think on the site specific piece i shall produce during the week. I have walked the village and recorded the water before, I have used my unstable nets and bags on the artists bodies other years and I have walked Provence as art with a yellow object. This year I shall combine some of the works, a Hegelian synthesis in praxis. I walk by the river from Correns to Barjols during some hours and pick some flowers. Its hot and intense. Very beautiful. I spend time in the studios, looking at the movements of hands and bodies at work. The whole group as artifact. The skin of the relational body. I observe the light on the old wooden doors in the village and make a second walk by the river, with the red bag. The vernissage is great, we remember the fallen ones with care, and sing with joy. We walk up the catle´s tower and enjoy the view and the company. Provence is a steady beat in our hearts.


lunes, 18 de noviembre de 2019



domingo, 17 de noviembre de 2019