domingo, 26 de noviembre de 2023

A single drop, is a proposal for a critical immersion residence in the artistic scenes of Slovenia, where the author begins by recounting a pivotal experience in 2012, where he encountered the painter Metka Krašovec.

The intimate observation of Krašovec's solitary work process becomes a catalyst for the proposal, emphasizing the inherent privacy in great art that doesn't necessarily seek immediate publicity. This personal connection serves as a foundation for the exploration of relational forms in art and the idea that the way artists interact with their work generates a narrative engine from within. The proposal goes on to highlight the transformative experience of integrating Metka as a sculptural body in one of the author's art forms during the residency. The inclusive nature of this seemingly innocuous action becomes a metaphor for the broader vision of the proposal—to develop a curatorial and critical series that values both the powerful and the hidden scenes in art. This approach aims to bridge the gap between emerging galleries and established museums, emphasizing the equal significance of all contributors to the artistic landscape. The author articulates his role as a conceptual artist and curator, portraying the curator as both a hermeneut and a hunter, seeking stories and snapshots that bring the artistic narrative to life. The proposal suggests a methodology that involves a non-linear exploration of the local art scene through investigation of texts and direct engagement with local artists, museums, galleries, and ateliers. The resulting critical curatorial series, to be published on various platforms, aims to capture the essence of the Slovenian art scene and contribute to a broader understanding of its cultural tapestry. The proposal concludes with gratitude and a commitment to collaboration with a Slovenian historian for the publication of texts in appropriate magazines, highlighting the collaborative and cross-cultural nature of the project.