jueves, 6 de junio de 2024

The essay explores the significance of relational art as a symbiotic agent emphasizing the potential within the associative structural form of agents contributing to the concept of art 1789.

The concept, rooted in conceptual art and its contemporary extensions in relational forms, holds social and political implications. The ANtiSymposium in Uddebo, Sweden, serves as a backdrop for the development of the art concept within an emerging community. Organizing artists emphasize representation within the local community and natural surroundings, fostering a unique approach. Living together for several days in a rural context allows for spontaneous, unscripted conversations among artists, programmers, critics, architects, curators, and guest directors from diverse countries. Immersed in the natural environment, participants share experiences such as walks in the forest, canoe trips, dives, and saunas, turning coexistence into an intense and flavorful art form. The absence of strict programs allows for personal creative expression, emphasizing the creation of memorable moments without overwhelming structures. The temporary squad project, formed through the intersection of conservative and innovative ideas, manifests as a subtle, almost invisible piece. The body assumes responsibility in maintaining a delicate balance of tones. The potential for new meetings associated with biennials and triennials has already been established. Relational art, as a non-objective participatory form, has become prevalent in legitimate art forums at commercial and institutional levels. The essay recognizes the natural environment's psychological restorative potential, incorporating trees, rivers, and hills. Beyond mere restoration, complex mechanisms related to eudaimonia come into play, enabling conversations rooted in novel transactions. In this transnational art form, traditional currencies of exchange, symbolic and social capitals, take a back seat to the act of sharing itself, making the work untransferable. While acknowledging the possibility of documenting collective work through photography, video, audio, and narratives, the essay delves into the realm of Walter Benjamin's concept of the "copy." It acknowledges the need for major essays to explore this aspect further, recognizing the divergence from the current focus on relational art as a legitimate form in high-stakes scenarios. The text concludes by hinting at future editions in different contexts, involving active agents and new bodies as essential ingredients in this evolving form. 

NATURAL SQUAD SERIES _____ANTISYMPOSIUM 2.0________UDDEBO SWEDEN MMXIX http://antolloveras.blogspot.com/2019/03/uddebo-2019-anti-symposium.html / ANTO LLOVERAS