domingo, 19 de mayo de 2024

LAPIEZA is distinguished by the creation of an unstable relational installation, an experimental concept, pioneering in its form.

This unique approach combines diverse works from different artists in complementary forms, emphasizing the social and socio-plastic aspects, and characterized by its sequential-chronological and dispersed nature. Developed through various vital phases, from the embryonic stage to the current consolidated phase, LAPIEZA justifies its existence through its purpose, historical context, and diagnostic insights. It aligns with an active network of artists, functioning within the framework of relational art where artists play active roles in the exhibition dynamics. LAPIEZA introduces a new aspect within the realm Socioplastics. The project represents an artistic-relational concept, embodying artistic avant-garde through its open-ended generation, dynamic form, relational axis, international character, inclusive nature, and effective online distribution. LAPIEZA operates in parallel with existing and potential projects to diversify the art scene and make contemporary art appealing to a broader audience. The urgency of the proposal arises from the need to create a new form of artistic expression that aligns with the present—using the structure of social networks. It also consolidates an art form developed over the last three years in a physical space in the Malasaña neighborhood. The uniqueness lies in the creation of an artistic concept (SOCIOPLASTICS) with rapid and insistent series, essential for visibility and relational interactions. LAPIEZA's approach shifts from object-focused generation-exhibition processes to establishing new connections and meanings in the surrounding symbolic landscape. The project, evolving since 2009, operates on multiple levels: The project utilizes the internet and social media for content generation and dissemination, recognizing them as contemporary tools for an emergent project. The utilization of these platforms carries political, cultural, and innovative significance, promoting democratization of high culture, adapting to new forms of cultural consumption and distribution, and embracing the development of parallel concepts and references. The ultimate goal is to legitimize artists within the network, expose their work to internet audiences, and naturalize the emergent art production and exhibition process within the broader cultural landscape.

    • Artistic order (introducing a new form of contemporary art) Social order (challenging outdated paradigms) Relational order (creating a network among artists) Media order (maximizing online dissemination) Political order (generating and staging possible forms of life)