Durante el año 2015, las exposiciones se han producido, editado y distribuido desde las residencias internacionales en las que el comisario ha generado los conceptos de trabajo, la producción de acciones y las conversaciones con los artistas participantes en las diferentes series. La temporada arranca en Madrid. El primer viaje tiene como base Holanda, donde se visita Amsterdam y Rotterdam, los centros de arte e instituciones. Atractor principal : Bojmans van Beuningen. La siguiente estancia se dasarrolla en el este de Londres, en el barrio de Poplar, al norte del Isle of Dogs, cerca de Canary Warf. Durante dos meses se visitan institciones y se generean exposiciones con Paul Doeman y Goro Shimano, ambos asociados, Tras Londres volamos a Provence, donde en la residencia se trabaja con diez artistas plásticos. Exposiciones en Six Four les Plages y Tourves. (Socio : Colores del Mediterráneo, Françoise Rohmer) Tras provence Galicia, donde se investiga en los procesos naturales. En Septiembre doble residencia en Eslovakia, con veinte artistas internacionales. (Socio : Yuri Dólan, 35 años de experiencia en la organización de simposios). Se conversa y se graba a todos los artistas, que pasan a formar parte de algunas exposiciones. En octubre nos trasladamos a Noruega, dosnde se desarrolla una serie de escalas, comenzando en Oslo (texto museo vikingo), después en Trondheim (supernatural, serie bosques) después Bergen (festival Piksel y museos antropológicos) . Se cierra la estancia en Noruega a mediadoa de Noviembre con una residencia en Hardangenfjord, el segundo fiordo mas grande del mundo, donde se trabaja con un grupo reducido de cuatro artistas (israel, holanda, uk e irlanda)en una institución (Messen Red House) junto al agua. Se produce u a expo in situ y los artistas en entran en serie en las exposición #75. El año avanza con una residencia de dos semanas en Cádiz, donde se visita el centro de arte Montenmedio, junto a Vejer. En la ciudad de Cádiz de establece contacto con la directora del museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Cádiz para futuras colaboraciones. Se hace la comiariación de los nuepos trabajos de Manuel Maqueda y Pol parrhesia (ensayos). Se cierra la temporada con una estancia de un mes en la México. Se trabaja con los artista en serie Jesús León (domestic fine arts) Alfred Zorrita (Lifemance) Susana Go Y Taka fernández. En la ciudad de oaxaca con Toño camuñas, Rubén Bonet (revista replicante, ver artículo 2013 = http://lapiezalapieza.blogspot.co.at/2013/06/revista-replicante-texto-by-bonet.html ) y GilberTo Delgado. De vuelta en Europa, Lapieza participa en Streaming Egos en Düsseldorf en colaboración con el goethe Institut, y recibe LA INVITACIÓN DESDE VIENA para presentar la exposIción número 75 en KULTUR KONTAKT, y la nueva línea de trabajo: ARTNATIONS.
The learning in the exchange of questions is very rapid. It's like playing Russian roulette—any piece of information could be the end of it all. My approach is much slower, more compact, and constructed in paragraphs, like this one. Poetic prose helps me solidify and share my ideas. Since we exchanged messages for an hour yesterday, I don't mind spending another moment writing for myself today, here, in a timeless place, even if I share it with you, the origin of some thoughts. This isn't romanticism; don't mistake me for someone persistent. We are different, that's clear, but I enjoy giving you something extra, a bonus because you're intelligent, above average, I would say, and surely you've been educated in private universities with crucifixes. The vector is clear. All the profiles I see are clones, there are hundreds of them, and many are almost identical, like an infinite army of tattooed women with a slightly exaggerated cleavage on the beach. Many are in their plastic sunset. That's how it is. There are exceptions. Those are the ones that interest me. You're one of them. Your height is your bait, and your photos are normal; that's novelty enough. Taking a big leap, notes are free; we all need something, someone who provides us with security or affection, flavor or love, a gaze or a body, conversation or attention, care or time. The key is differentiation. The distinction, the French would say. Let it not be a generic product. We search, and I use the plural to include you; maybe it's audacious. The person we want to accompany us must be very brave, very authentic, very dynamic, very intelligent, and also very cautious—a person who resolves everything, who balances us. Who receives our existential battering, loves it, devours it, and returns light to us, returns the flowers. That's what I seek; without that, I have nothing because for real intensities, I have no rivals, I know that, the rest are speculators from the low neighborhoods of love. The cradle doesn't matter. That's what I hope for—my partner to be very intuitive about what I need and give me my deserved affection in every way possible, to embrace the new and forget the obvious. To be extremely creative in the use of words and the body in general. It's not so easy. Making vital geometries tangent is not possible after a certain age when complexity crystallizes. Animism is another brutal agent, and past forms can be shadows. I don't like anyone filling my today with the past unless it's beautiful; then, evoke it. But not the crap—leave it behind because we don't need burdens. What I'm getting at is I don't think I'm looking for anything in particular. Of course, my black and white avatar and my flowers are a filter so that no one with an antagonistic sensitivity knocks on my door. I ignore cleavages, tattoos, corporate lives, hippies, snobs, and vans. I don't like to waste my time for no reason; my time is infinitely valuable; it composes and constructs me. But I'm taking a risk these days. What I'm writing to you is for me, though also for you, for asking me if my house was beautiful. It's true that I'm seeking some adventure, something new to break my routine. I would like to have a new love; I know that, it's very basic, very difficult, and at the same time, I like knowing that it will happen, it's necessary. I conclude these lines while having a glass of red wine and listening to old Japanese music in the courtyard; the light is fading. The police cordoned off the neighborhood today. The evening carries me away, and I bid you farewell, curious woman of high flights and complex domesticity. Perhaps your best asset is frontal dissection, but one must also know how to move sideways and dance gently. I hope the guy who complements you appears and says beautiful things to you, and you rebut each one until you're tired and finally tell him you're having a great time. Receive a warm greeting; we will surely cross paths in some gallery in the future, and I'll recognize you because our eyes are at the same height. I like questions that take me out of my comfort zone. They make me think.
my father, is a writer, and every year, after visiting him and Marisa in their apartment in Malaga, he sends me the last story he has written by email. It comes to me in PDF, with the title in the subject. The stories are never longer than ten pages. When we see each other we always laugh sometimes in a special way. Humor is one of our most beloved and recurring hobbies. An ephemeral art form. Humor is sought after and it is an excellent company when you live together for a week. There are also parts of literary construction and others of pure analysis. This year we saw The Godfather together again, and we enjoyed it like never before. Humor can arise in any of the three moments that we share in the day to day, which coincide with our appetite. In the mornings, always sunny on the Costa del Sol, we have toast with grated tomato and grapefruit juice for breakfast. Marisa gets up at dawn and prepares everything. Lunch, which happens with increasing frequency on Benajarafe beach, is a ritual by the sea. If I go to the sea, if I am near the sea, I like to eat by the sea. After the coffees at the beach bar and some local sweets, we walk along the boardwalk and go to buy some plants. The place is already half battered, they have fewer and fewer plants. This year's story, called Two Tickets, includes a large dose of black humor and very close situations, which include some places with their real names, and others derived in pure fiction, for the sake of timeless literature.
Without deep sleep, the hippocampus doesn't properly store new experiences as memories, meaning it's harder to learn. Also during deep sleep is when the pituitary gland secretes important hormones, such as human growth hormone, which lead to the growth and development of all tissues, from skin and nails to liver and muscles. Without deep sleep, our body breaks down from lack of maintenance. Deep sleep is the phase in which body functions and brain waves slow down.