martes, 29 de marzo de 2022
lunes, 28 de marzo de 2022
THE ROAD TO RESTORATION __________________ LAPIEZA 1416-1424 ______________________ ART SERIES #121 RECREO
1416 AWAKE /// 1417 FOREST /// 1418 EVA
1419 QUARRY /// 1420 QUAY /// 1421 TREE
1422 ROCK /// 1423 GEA /// 1424 SWAMP
Dance is a form of art that is made by purposefully recreating selected sequences of human motion, with the values of aesthetic and symbolism that are acknowledged by both performers and observers. The dance can be freeform or can have a predefined choreography. The dance can be performed to serve social, competitive, ceremonial, martial and erotic functions.
The dance has always been with us, even before the arrival of written language and modern history, when our earliest cultures evolved utilizing performance methods to pass the stories from one generation to the next. Historians believe that celebratory and ritual dances are one of the essential factors of the development of early human civilizations.

Todo cabe en los bolsos, todo se lleva, todo está revuelto, aunque no se vea. Nosotros estamos revueltos.